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Nuggle Coinbender

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NeutralNuggle Coinbender
Image of Nuggle Coinbender
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 30-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Evanescent Sea, Spires of Arak[68.4, 88.9]
Status Deceased

The corpse of Nuggle Coinbender is found at [68.4, 88.9] floating in the Evanescent Sea, off the southeastern coast of Spires of Arak between Pinchwhistle Point and the Wreck of the Mother Lode.

Off shore from Sporemist Shallows and Pinchwhistle Gearworks is a boat with a note pinned to the smokestack:

Payment Delivery Instructions

Mr. Coinbender,

Your payment's been arranged, but I had to leave it off shore so the local orcs wouldn't confiscate the goods.

I've put out some buoys to help you find it. Best of luck, pal.

Gazrix Gearlock

Further out to the southeast is one of the brown buoys and a note floating beside it:

A Sodden Note

You've still got a ways to go. Just keep following the buoys and you'll find it.

- Gazrix

Further out, yet another:

A Sodden Note

You're almost there. I'm sure you can see the final buoy by now, chum.

- Gazrix

Out past a short bit of deep water is the final buoy with Nuggle's corpse beside it and a note:

A Sodden Note

Oh, did I forget to mention that your payment is on the bottom of the ocean? Maybe you'll think about that next time you try to double-cross the Cartel.

Just keep swimming down, though. I'm sure you'll find it, chump.

- GG

Look down, and inside the ribcage of some giant beast, find Coinbender's Payment, which contains around 150g and some [Garrison Resources].

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