Northwatch Tower

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This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Northwatch Tower is an Alliance tower in the Eastweald outside Quel'Thalas. At the onset of the Second War, Lireesa Windrunner, Verath Windrunner, and their elven guards were ambushed and killed by the Amani trolls and the orcs of the Old Horde, a few miles south of the tower.[1]


  • Lor'themar described Zul'Mashar as being northeast of the ambush site. In WoW, there's Northpass Tower between Quel'Lithien Lodge and Zul'Mashar, and Northwatch Tower hasn't been mentioned anywhere else.
    • Northwatch Tower could potentially be an old name for the Northpass Tower, or an editorial typo for Northpass. Alternatively, the tower may have been destroyed during the Second or Third Wars, hence its absence in WoW.
