Night Guardian Jethraasa

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NeutralNight Guardian Jethraasa
Image of Night Guardian Jethraasa
Title <Raid Finder Nathrian Weaponsmith>
Gender Female
Race Stoneborn (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Sinfall, Revendreth

Night Guardian Jethraasa is a stoneborn located in Sinfall. She replaces Solivane after she is revealed as a nathrezim in N [60] The "Unwelcome" Guests.


Inv sword 1h revendreth d 01.png [Barbed-Edge of the Stone Legion]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv shield 1h revendreth d 01.png [Bulwark of the Stone Legion]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv hand 1h revendreth d 01.png [Claws of the Stone Generals]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv misc questionmark.png [Crimson Court Backstabber]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h revendreth d 02.png [Dread Inquisitor's Spine]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv crossbow 2h revendreth d 01.png [Dredbat Repeating Crossbow]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv crossbow 2h revendreth d 01.png [Dredfang Ironspitter]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h revendreth d 01.png [Dredwing Barbed Swordbreaker]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h revendreth d 02.png [Hungering Ritualist's Animablade]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv glaive 1h revendreth d 01.png [Legion General's Glaivewing]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv mace 1h revendreth d 01.png [Mace of Enveloping Sins]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv offhand 1h revendreth d 01.png [Master Stonewright's Chisel]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv misc questionmark.png [Nathrian Assassin's Backbiter]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 2h revendreth d 01.png [Nathrian Crusader's Bastard Sword]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h revendreth d 01.png [Nathrian Duelist's Fleshrender]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv staff 2h revendreth d 01.png [Nathrian Torchbearer's Stave]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv staff 2h revendreth d 01.png [Rod of the Stone Sentinels]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv staff 2h revendreth d 01.png [Sinbearer's Absolution Staff]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv mace 1h revendreth d 01.png [Sinstealer's Sentencing Gavel]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 2h revendreth d 01.png [Stoneborn Goliath's Cleaver]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h revendreth d 01.png [Stoneborn Terrorblade]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv offhand 1h revendreth d 01.png [Stonewright's Infused Stonecarver]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv shield 1h revendreth d 01.png [Stonewrought Gargoyles Barrier]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv hand 1h revendreth d 01.png [Talons of the Legion Generals]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv staff 2h revendreth d 01.png [Torch of Fiery Atonement]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv glaive 1h revendreth d 01.png [Wingdancer's Warglaive]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule

Patch changes

See also

Castle Nathria weapon token vendors
Covenant Raid Finder Normal Heroic Mythic
Kyrian Kyrian Kelli Hoo Alisius Provisioner Prothos Battlemaster Endios
Necrolord Necrolord Mellisa Fate Mortis Elfsen Taiya Tacere Odious Gwor
Night Fae Night Fae Sparklebreeze Adera Harkoth Sulanoom
Venthyr Venthyr Solivane
Night Guardian Jethraasa
Lord Afanas Stoneweaver McConnell Vorpalia

External links