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Kelli Hoo

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NeutralKelli Hoo
Image of Kelli Hoo
Title <Raid Finder Nathrian Weaponsmith>
Gender Female
Race Steward (Humanoid)
Level 52 - 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Ascended
Location Elysian Hold, Bastion
Status Alive

Kelli Hoo is a steward located in Elysian Hold in Bastion.


Inv polearm 2h bastion d 01.png [Archon's Guiding Glaive]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h bastion d 01.png [Ascended Gladius of Glory]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv offhand 1h bastion d 01.png [Burning Beacon of Hope]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv shield 1h bastion d 01.png [Chyrus's Crest of Hope]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv knife 1h bastion d 01.png [Disciple's Peacebound Poniard]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv axe 1h bastion d 01.png [Dutiful Disciple's Cleaver]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv shield 1h bastion d 01.png [Elysian Sentinel's Aegis]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv knife 1h bastion d 01.png [Faithful Sidearm]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv knife 1h bastion d 01.png [Forked Blade of Fortitude]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv mace 2h bastion d 01.png [Guarding Cudgel of the Goliath]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv axe 1h bastion d 01.png [Labrys of the Loyal Larion]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h bastion d 01.png [Lost Soul Xiphos]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h bastion d 02.png [Meditation's Muse]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv polearm 2h bastion d 01.png [Pike of the Honored Peltast]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv mace 2h bastion d 01.png [Polemarch's Scepter of Faith]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv glaive 1h bastion d 01.png [Praetorian Wingblade]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv knife 1h bastion d 01.png [Puremind Piercer]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv axe 1h bastion d 01.png [Reaver of Renewed Resolve]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv axe 1h bastion d 01.png [Sacred Sparrer's Edge]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv bow 1h bastion d 01.png [Silvered Recurve of Reconciliation]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h bastion d 01.png [Soulbearer's Blade of Salvation]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h bastion d 02.png [Spellblade of Antiquity]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv staff 2h bastion d 01.png [Symphonic Chimekeeper]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv offhand 1h bastion d 01.png [Thenios's Beacon of Foresight]
1 Apogee Anima Bead or 1 Thaumaturgic Anima Bead
Inv bow 1h bastion d 01.png [Truthseeker Longbow]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv staff 2h bastion d 01.png [Vesiphone's Vesper of Reflection]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv glaive 1h bastion d 01.png [Warglaive of Devoted Might]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule
Inv sword 1h bastion d 01.png [Xandria's Kopis of Courage]
1 Zenith Anima Spherule or 1 Venerated Anima Spherule or 1 Mystic Anima Spherule or 1 Abominable Anima Spherule


Patch changes

See also

Castle Nathria weapon token vendors
Covenant Raid Finder Normal Heroic Mythic
Kyrian Kyrian Kelli Hoo Alisius Provisioner Prothos Battlemaster Endios
Necrolord Necrolord Mellisa Fate Mortis Elfsen Taiya Tacere Odious Gwor
Night Fae Night Fae Sparklebreeze Adera Harkoth Sulanoom
Venthyr Venthyr Solivane
Night Guardian Jethraasa
Lord Afanas Stoneweaver McConnell Vorpalia

External links