Neal Allen

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AllianceNeal Allen
Image of Neal Allen
Title <Engineering Supplies & General Goods>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Menethil Harbor, Wetlands[11.8, 52.6]
Status Alive

Neal Allen is a human engineering and general goods vendor located on the bridge to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands.


Item Cost Type
General goods
5x  [Refreshing Spring Water] 25c Drink
5x  [Ice Cold Milk] 1s 25c Drink
5x  [Melon Juice] 5s Drink
5x  [Freshly Baked Bread] 1s 25c Bread
5x  [Moist Cornbread] 5s Bread
 [Simple Wood] 38c Crafting reagent
Item Cost Type
 [Brown Leather Satchel] 25s 8 slot
 [Heavy Brown Bag] 2g 10 slot
Inv hammer 20.png [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv pick 02.png [Mining Pick]
Inv misc enggizmos 17.png [Tinker's Kit]
Inv mace 11.png [Wooden Stock]
Inv mace 11.png [Heavy Stock]
Inv mace 11.png [Walnut Stock]
Inv misc enggizmos 25.png [Hair Trigger]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02.png [Weak Flux]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01.png [Strong Flux]
Inv potion 65.png [Engineer's Ink]
Inv inscription papyrus.png 5x [Light Parchment]

Limited stock items

Inv misc dust 01.png [Rough Blasting Powder]
16c (stock: 4)
Inv misc dust 02.png [Coarse Blasting Powder]
48c (stock: 4)
Inv gizmo pipe 02.png [Bent Copper Tube]
4s 80c (stock: 2)
Inv gizmo pipe 01.png [Bronze Tube]
8s (stock: 2)
Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01.png [Bronze Framework]
24s (stock: 1)
Inv ingot 04.png [Silver Contact]
1s (stock: 1)
Inv misc pocketwatch 02.png [Gyrochronatom]
30s (stock: 1)

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.1 but is present in Classic Era.

Item Cost
 [Blank Parchment] 4s 50c
 [Copper Modulator] 2s
 [Deadly Throwing Axe] 1s 80c
 [Flint and Tinder] 1s 22c
 [Gyrochronatom] 27s
 [Heavy Shot] 45c
 [Heavy Throwing Dagger] 1s 80c
 [Keen Throwing Knife] 68c
 [Razor Arrow] 2s 70c
 [Sharp Arrow] 45c
 [Sharp Throwing Axe] 68c
 [Solid Shot] 2s 70c


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Marie Allen and Steven Allen.

Patch changes

External links