Mounting Made Easy

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NeutralMounting Made Easy
Start Namha Moonwater
End Namha Moonwater
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Leatherworking
Experience 16,450
Rewards  [Recipe: Elderhorn Riding Harness]
19g 40s
Previous N Leatherworking [45] Fel Tanning

Mounting Made Easy requires level 100 in Legion Leatherworking.


Capture the Great Northern Elderhorn.

  • Mount Up and Capture the Great Northern Elderhorn


<Name>, I'm glad you're here. I confess: I've been working on a secret project behind your back. Behold: the Stonehide Leather Harness! Now, we simply need to find a mount worthy of such a piece of art.

The vrykul sing songs of a snow-white elderhorn with endless stamina. Find it, place the harness on it, and tame it.


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv scroll 03.png [Recipe: Elderhorn Riding Harness]


Good luck, <name>.


Now that's a beast worth riding. Here's the pattern for that harness, if you want one for yourself.


The quest requires the player, while on their mount, to 'lasso' the Great Northern Elderhorn and follow it closely enough to prevent the rope from breaking. It will run wild across most of the zone in an attempt to get away. The path it takes is static. This is very similar to the taming quests from the WoD garrison Stables, but much, much longer.

This quest is considered very difficult and usually quite frustrating for someone who does not look up how to do it first, at least a video showing how the moose moves and how to keep within range. There are many false leads that it will perform; once you think you know how it will move in a certain situation, it will then start to act completely contrary to that. It would be extremely unusual, if not impossible, to have to try again only two or three times.

There are at least three 'checkpoints' that the moose will pass through. These are not markers to note your progress, but rather "save points" for when you invariably screw up. If you reach the first checkpoint at the edge of the waterfall, you will not have to return to the original spot to grab the moose. Just go towards the quest marker on your map, and once you get close enough the moose will phase in for you.

There are at least two universal recommendations:

  • Make a  [Stonehide Leather Barding] for yourself as you will be dragged through many hostile mobs.
  • Get the mats for one instance of  [Fighter Chow], cook it up and eat one before going past Vadrak to enter Storm's Reach to get to the Great Northern Elderhorn. This is a full PvP area on a schedule; speak with Vadrak to find out if it is active or not. Should you decide to enter while PvP is active, you should make a beeline for the moose to immediately lasso it. Do not dawdle, as someone could decide to target you. If you die, you'll lose any buff that doesn't persist beyond death.
    • In Storm's Reach, the mechanic of this full PvP area is to subdue one of the wild animals and use it as a PvP mount. (This is NOT the mount you will use: you are using one of your own mounts.) In particular is the ability to charge others and send them flying, ideally off the cliff that makes up most of the area, to their death. The Great Northern Elderhorn just happens to be at the edge of the cliff.

One other thing you can do is to have at least a Level 2 Forge in your garrison for the Song of the Anvil buff, as there are many long drops that must be performed. This is also why you will need Fighter Chow.


  1. N Leatherworking [10-45] Skin Deep
  2. Complete all:
  3. N Leatherworking [10-45] From Head to Toe
  4. Complete all
  5. N Leatherworking [10-45] Adventuring Anxieties
  6. N Leatherworking [10-45] The Necessary Materials
  7. N Leatherworking [10-45] Dazed of the Past
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B Leatherworking [10-45] Battle Bonds
  10. N Leatherworking [10-45] Rats! & N Leatherworking [10-45] Leather Legwork
  11. Complete all:
  12. N Leatherworking [45] Demon Flesh
  13. N Leatherworking [45] Mounting Made Easy

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