Leather Legwork

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NeutralLeather Legwork
Start Thanid Glowergold
End Thanid Glowergold
Level 10-45
Category Leatherworking
Experience 15,900
Rewards  [Crowbar],
Recipe List: Artisan Azsunian Leatherworking
17g 80s
Next N Leatherworking [10-45] A Debt Paid


Get a crowbar for Thanid.


Good news, <name>! Langrom's Leather and Links recently delivered a shipment of mail armor to me.

It's of the finest quality and I'd love to show it to ye, but it seems I've lost me crowbar and can't open the crate.

If ye could run over to their shop and grab an extra one fer me, we can get this crate opened and go over the construction.


You will learn the following: Recipe List: Artisan Azsunian Leatherworking

You will also receive: 17g 80s
Inv rod platinum.png [Crowbar]


Fer the life of me, I dunna know where I left the blasted thing!


Well wouldn't ye know it, <name>. While ye were out, I found me crowbar! Isn't that great news?

Oh, ye were able to acquire one too? Ha ha!

Well why don't ye hold onto that fer yerself and have a look at these armor pieces with me.


Speaking with Bragund
Gossip Do you happen to have an extra crowbar?
Bragund Brightlink says: Ye think I'm just gonna give one out fer free? Sorry lad, but you gotta give something to get something.
Bragund Brightlink says: I'd be willing to part with a crowbar for some new armor stands. Imindril Spearsong over at Tanks for Everything has some handy.
Bragund Brightlink says: Get those fer me and we've got a deal.
Speaking with Imindril
Gossip Do you have any armor stands you could part with?
Imindril Spearsong says: I do have some extra, but I'm not really willing to part with them. Unless...
Imindril Spearsong says: Would you be willing to run a quick errand for me? Do it and I'll promise I'll give you some armor stands.
Imindril Spearsong says: I just need you to take my dress over to Shandy to have cleaned. It has soot all over it.
Speaking with Shandy
Gossip Can you clean this dress for me, Shandy?
Shandy Glossgleam says: Sure I can clean that for you. I charge 2 gold per garment.
Gossip Pay the 2 gold.
Shandy Glossgleam says: I'll get this cleaned for you in a jiffy!
Shandy Glossgleam says: Alright, Aquanos, you're up!
Aquanos starts cleaning.
Shandy Glossgleam says: One dress, clean as new. Thank you for your business.
Speaking with Imindril again
Gossip Here is your dress. Can I have the armor stands now?
Imindril Spearsong says: That Shandy... he sure does know how to get the blood and gore out! Here are those armor stands I promised you.
Speaking with Bragund again
Gossip Here are your stands. May I have the crowbar now?
Bragund Brightlink says: Took ye long enough. Stop for a pint on your way back, did ye? One crowbar, as we agreed.


  1. N Leatherworking [10-45] Skin Deep
  2. Complete all:
  3. N Leatherworking [10-45] From Head to Toe
  4. Complete all
  5. N Leatherworking [10-45] Adventuring Anxieties
  6. N Leatherworking [10-45] The Necessary Materials
  7. N Leatherworking [10-45] Dazed of the Past
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B Leatherworking [10-45] Battle Bonds
  10. N Leatherworking [10-45] Rats! & N Leatherworking [10-45] Leather Legwork
  11. Complete all:
  12. N Leatherworking [45] Demon Flesh
  13. N Leatherworking [45] Mounting Made Easy

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