Reclaimed Cargo

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NeutralReclaimed Cargo
Start Celea
End Celea
Level 10-45
Category Leatherworking
Experience 15,620
Rewards Recipe List: Advanced Azsunian Leatherworking
Previous N Leatherworking [10-45] Getting the Kinks Out
Next N Leatherworking [10-45] Leather Legwork


Obtain 5 Mail Armor Shipments.


The same ship that my brother was on also carried shipments of exceptional mail armor. Knowing the giants, they probably had no use for them and left them scattered around their caves.

If you could recover those shipments and bring them here, I can explain the techniques used to fashion them. That should give you a good idea of how to improve your processes.


You will learn the following: Recipe List: Advanced Azsunian Leatherworking

You will also receive:

  • 17g
  • 15,620 XP


Were you able to recover any of the shipments?


They're a bit rusty, but at least they're intact. Let me explain how these were made...

<Celea begins to describe the method in which the armor was constructed.>

Tedious, yet efficient.


The quest becomes available after hitting level 104 and finishing previous quests from Celea.


  1. N Leatherworking [10-45] Skin Deep
  2. Complete all:
  3. N Leatherworking [10-45] From Head to Toe
  4. Complete all
  5. N Leatherworking [10-45] Adventuring Anxieties
  6. N Leatherworking [10-45] The Necessary Materials
  7. N Leatherworking [10-45] Dazed of the Past
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B Leatherworking [10-45] Battle Bonds
  10. N Leatherworking [10-45] Rats! & N Leatherworking [10-45] Leather Legwork
  11. Complete all:
  12. N Leatherworking [45] Demon Flesh
  13. N Leatherworking [45] Mounting Made Easy

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