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Title <The Enabler>
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stormheim
Status Alive

Vadrak is a vrykul located in Stormheim.


  • (pvp down)

<Name>, is it? I have heard your name spoken among the vrykul.

These cliffs have gone quiet. Return at a later time to prove yourself in combat among the beasts of this peninsula.

  • (pvp up)

So, <name>, at last you've come to prove yourself on the peninsula of Storm's Reach! You've shown you are brave, but bravery is not enough here.

The wild beasts of this ravine care nothing for your past heroics. They answer only to power.

Right now, heroes like you attempt to tame these beasts and best each other in combat. Are you up to the challenge?

Gossip What is going on here?

Through this shallow ravine wander goats, stags, worgs, and bears. Ferocious beasts indeed, but all can be tamed if you demonstrate your strength.

Best the creatures in a fight and they will show you obedience. Mounted atop them, you can send your enemies to their deaths on the rocks below.

But beware Stormtalon, the dragon that rests along the rocks of Storm's Reach. Many say he cannot be tamed. Few have tried. None have survived.

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