Moonrage Sentry

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MobMoonrage Sentry
Image of Moonrage Sentry
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 14 - 15 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Moonrage
Location Pyrewood Village, Silverpine Forest
Status Killable

Moonrage Sentries are warriors located in Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest during the night, appearing as worgens. During the day, they appear as their human form as Pyrewood Sentries.


  • Ability racial bloodrage.png Battle Roar — Increases the Physical damage dealt by nearby party members for 1 min.
  • Ability warrior defensivestance.png Defensive Stance — Assumes a defensive stance. Lasts 3 min.
  • Ability warrior warcry.png Demoralizing Shout — Reduces the melee attack power of nearby enemies for 30 sec.

Objective of


  • They can be attacked by both factions unlike their human form that are affiliated with Stormwind.

Patch changes

External links

es:Avizor Furia Lunar