Arugal's Folly (4)

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HordeArugal's Folly
Start Dalar Dawnweaver
End Dalar Dawnweaver
Level 15 (Requires 9)
Category Silverpine Forest
Experience 1050
Reputation +88 Orgrimmar
+63 Silvermoon City
+62 Thunder Bluff
WoW Icon update.png+100 Undercity
Bc icon.gif+250 Undercity
Rewards  [Logsplitter],  [Bonegrinding Pestle] or  [Cinder Wand]
Previous H [15] Arugal's Folly


Bring 6 Pyrewood Shackles to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.


As my understanding of Arugal's magic grows so does my disdain for the hapless fool. I am close to completing my research on his so called remedy.

My knowledge will be complete when I learn what enchantment is causing the strange behavior going on in Pyrewood Village. By day, the peasants appear to be Human. But when the sun goes down the townsfolk turn into Moonrage Worgen.

I need to draw energy from the enchanted shackles Arugal cast on them. Bring to me six enchanted Pyrewood Shackles, <name>.


The following spell will be cast on you: [Arcane Intellect] (Rank 2: Increases Intellect by 7.)

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv axe 11.png [Logsplitter] Inv mace 06.png [Bonegrinding Pestle]
Inv staff 02.png [Cinder Wand]

You will also gain:


Have you secured the Pyrewood Shackles yet, <name>?


Your persistence is commendable. With the knowledge you helped me gather, Arugal will fall and his reckless magic shall be undone. Cheers to you, <name>.


  1. H [10] Prove Your Worth
  2. H [11] Arugal's Folly
  3. H [14] Arugal's Folly
  4. H [15] Arugal's Folly
  5. H [15] Arugal's Folly

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