Mogu Runes of Fate

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AllianceMogu Runes of Fate
Start Elder Lin
End Elder Lin
Level 90 (Requires 90)
Type Weekly
Category Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Rewards 3 Mogu Rune of Fate
45g 60s


Collect 50 Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.


Greetings, <name>. I am privileged to offer you an excellent opportunity. Through the centuries, we've honed a method by which the very laws of chance themselves can be bent. With a Mogu Rune of Fate, valuable artifacts will find their way into your hands more frequently inside the palace of the Thunder King.


You will receive: 45g 60s 3 Mogu Rune of Fate


May these charms bring you great luck, <name>.


May the stars smile upon you, <name>.

Patch changes

  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2013-04-23): We're deploying a hotfix late tonight that will reduce the number of Lesser Charms of Good Fortune required to purchase 3 Mogu Runes of Fate from 90 down to 50. Meaning when you log in Tuesday and purchase your 3 Mogu Runes of Fate, which are used for 5.2 raid boss bonus rolls, it will only cost you 50 Lesser Charms.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Added.

External links