Modurun Sixtoes

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NeutralModurun Sixtoes
Image of Modurun Sixtoes
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Three-Falls Lookout, Azure Span
Status Alive

Modurun Sixtoes is a dwarf located in Three-Falls Lookout in the Azure Span. His team consists of Healer Dalagh, Miner Proudrock, and Excavator Silversun.



  • Excavator Silversun says: Did you hear that? Sounded like a drill.
Miner Proudrock says: Nah, it's just your imagination. You scared?
Excavator Silversun says: No, not scared. Intrigued!
Healer Dalagh says: You are going to get us into trouble again.
Modurun Sixtoes says: That's enough now!
  • Healer Dalagh says: They are taking over our jobs!
Miner Proudrock says: Nah, animated objects will never replace us.
Modurun Sixtoes says: Hmm... This is nay right.
  • Modurun Sixtoes says: I think 'tis time for a brew!
Miner Proudrock says: There's none left.
Modurun Sixtoes says: What do ye mean there's none left?
Healer Dalagh says: The Stronghinges did not order any.
Modurun Sixtoes says: They what? Blast me beard!
Main article: It's Brew Time!#Notes

"Clear the wall," they said. "It'll be easy," they said. But they said nothin' of the creepy nonsense happenin' 'round here!

Sometimes... when the gang and I are clearin' the debris... we hear voices and whispers. It's enough to turn ye beard white! I told 'em we wanted no part of what was behind that wall.

The next morning they already had them animated pick axes doin' the job. Made me wonder why they even brought us out here. To waste our time?

My team has to make a livin' minin'! If we don't mine, we don't get paid! I'm gonna give the expedition a piece of me mind!

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