Excavator Silversun

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NeutralExcavator Silversun
Image of Excavator Silversun
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Three-Falls Lookout, Azure Span
Status Alive

Excavator Leshellar Silversun is a blood elf located in Three-Falls Lookout in the Azure Span. His team consists of Healer Dalagh, Miner Proudrock, and Modurun Sixtoes.


  • Miner Proudrock says: Look at them go!
Excavator Silversun says: I find watching them surprisingly relaxing.
Healer Dalagh says: They are taking over our jobs!
Miner Proudrock says: Nah, animated objects will never replace us.
Modurun Sixtoes says: Hmm... This is nay right.
  • Excavator Silversun says: Did you hear that? Sounded like a drill.
Miner Proudrock says: Nah, it's just your imagination. You scared?
Excavator Silversun says: No, not scared. Intrigued!
Healer Dalagh says: You are going to get us into trouble again.
Modurun Sixtoes says: That's enough now!
Main article: It's Brew Time!#Notes

I am Leshellar Silversun. It is good to meet you!

Although it doesn't seem like it with the outfit, I am of noble blood. At least until the Scourge defiled my family's estate in Silvermoon City.

On the one hand, my family's rich history was wiped out overnight. On the other hand, the taxes on such property were stellar.

Being on the move from one dig to another, you really get to meet people and learn new things. One day, I will open a school where everyone will be able to attend.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Belle Silversun.

Patch changes

External links