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Image of Modaln
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Modaln is an earthen found talking to Garketh Anvilcrack outside the Burning Anvil in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.



Garketh has been telling me all about the forges from his homeland. Blackrock Foundry, he called it - a 'fortress of industry."

It sounds like a true wonder to behold... or was, rather. He tells me that it's now lost. I didn't press on what he meant by that.

Either way, we've been talking about Orgrimmar's scattered forges and for a city as fortified as this, we're both a bit surprised at the lack of dedicated industrial forgegrounds...

It's just the thing a canyon city like this is missing, wouldn't you agree? Seaside coolant systems, cliff-carved quarries! A port for trade, even!

The opportunities to expand are endless!

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