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Image of Moaja
Title <Herbalism & Alchemy Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Voldunai
Location Temple of Akunda, Vol'dun[52.4, 90.2]
Status Alive

Moaja is a Zandalari troll Herbalism and Alchemy vendor that walks around the western part of the Temple of Akunda in Vol'dun, watering the flowers. She is initially known as Akunda the Resourceful but resumes her true name after completion of H [30-60] Ending the Madness.


Item Cost
Alchemy vials and items
20x  [Crystal Vial] 4s
 [Distilled Death Extract] 9g


Despite her name saying "Herbalism Supplies" she does not actually sell any herbalism items.

Patch changes

External links

Akunda the Resourceful Moaja