Miva Star-Eye

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NeutralMiva Star-Eye
Image of Miva Star-Eye
Gender Female
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Khuri's Fishing Spot, Azure Span
Status Alive
Companion(s) Arcane Detector

Miva Star-Eye is a tauren located in Khuri's Fishing Spot in the Azure Span. She can be seen speaking with Julk. Following an incident in Camp Antonidas of a fishing box spontaneously combusting, she came to the area to conduct arcane investigations and her task was to ensure no arcane energies resided in anything the local tuskarr possessed. When she asked the adventurer to assist in her task, her Arcane Detector found out a tuskarr boat toy contained immense unstable arcane, but Toolk didn't want to part with it and went away.[1] Although she saw value in Kirin Tor studying the magic in the toy, Miva was told by Julk that the toy was her child's father's memento from when he had left, so the mage couldn't just take it for research. Therefore, Miva gave her wand to the adventurer so that they dispel the magic from the toy. After it was done, Toolk came back to her mother and soon, Palv, her father returned. Miva then realized that her father had not been lost, and her arcane detector detected an arcane buildup inside her.[2]



Main article: How To Stop An Exploding Toy Boat#Notes

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