Merchant Zin

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HordeMerchant Zin
Image of Merchant Zin
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Merchant
Location Nook of Konk, Jade Forest
Relative(s) Lin Tenderpaw (daughter)

Merchant Zin is a pandaren found at the Nook of Konk in the Jade Forest. His only daughter, Lin Tenderpaw, went to the Tian Monastery several weeks before Zin, along with other Pandaren Volunteers from their village, welcomed Captain Doren's Alliance army to the area and aided in their cause with building the Strongarm Airstrip, unaware of Doren's intentions of going to war against the Horde forces. When it became clear to merchant Zin that some of the villagers were even held against their will in servitude of the Alliance war effort, he asked a Horde adventurer to encourage the villagers to return home. As a result, he began sympathizing with the Horde faction.



Gossip before quest

I'm hesitant to ask an outsider for help. Still, if you're offering...

Gossip after quest

Thank you again for your aid, <name>. Our children have returned safe, and your enemies have turned tail.

As far as I'm concerned, you and your Horde are always welcome here in Pandaria.


  • Since his daughter is named Lin Tenderpaw and is not said to have a husband, Zin's surname is likely Tenderpaw too.

Patch changes

External links