Menacing Marshfangs (Alliance)

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AllianceMenacing Marshfangs
Start Noraani
End Noraani
Level 10-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 10050 EXP (or 2g 40s at level 70)
Rewards 2g 70s
Next A [10-30] Umbrafen Eel Filets
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-30] Menacing Marshfangs.


Kill 10 Marshfang Rippers and return to Noraani at Telredor.


During the orcs' war against my people, gatherers rarely left Telredor for fear of being attacked or captured. Now, we venture out more often, but the marsh is no less perilous.

It seems that the nether rays have grown bolder in recent months. I don't know if it has something to do with more competition for their normal prey, but they've been attacking our foraging parties on a regular basis. If we can thin their ranks in the area around Telredor, perhaps they would learn to leave us alone.


You will receive:


Have you been successful in your marshfang hunt?


Thank you for your help in clearing out some of the marshfang rippers, <name>. If they had any intelligence, perhaps they'd learn that it's best to live and let live.

<Noraani shrugs.>

Giant, overgrown bugs with intelligence. I wonder what that would be like...


  1. A [10-30] Menacing Marshfangs
  2. A [10-30] Umbrafen Eel Filets

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