Lukh Rockrunner

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NeutralLukh Rockrunner
Image of Lukh Rockrunner
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 65-68
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Azure Span
Status Alive

Lukh Rockrunner is a young dwarf of the Dragonscale Expedition located in the Azure Span. He is an assistant of Branor Broadbraw and has a thing for flowers. While traveling to Three-Falls Lookout, he wanted to look around the forest but got caught by a Gloomfur Sasquatch. Branor asked an adventurer to find Lukh, and they did so in a cave. After killing the sasquatch, Lukh returned to Branor.

Objective of


Main article: Out of Lukh

This day keeps gettin' better!

Patch changes

External links