Out of Lukh

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NeutralOut of Lukh
Start Branor Broadbraw
End Branor Broadbraw
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,050
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 25g 74s
Shareable Yes


Find Lukh's whereabouts.


Ach! Have ye seen me assistant, Lukh?

The kid wanted a moment to look 'round, but he's been gone for an hour!

I told him it ain't safe here and to nae walk far, but the kid has a head as thick as a ram's.

I can nae say I blame him. it's pretty out here, and he has a thing for flowers.

Could ye help me find 'em? They need me and the wagon back at Three-Falls Lookout!


You will receive:


Well? Where is he? Did ye find 'em yet?

We have to go! That collapsed cave at Three-Falls Lookout won't clear itself!


Thank ye for findin' him. Betcha he won't stray far alone anymore.

Here's a little somethin' for ye help.


Find the cave entrance at [15.95, 27.38] and attack the Gloomfur Sasquatch inside.

Lukh Rockrunner says: Let me go ye big oaf!
Lukh Rockrunner says: Oof! Watch where ye bashing!
Lukh Rockrunner says: Ahhhh! Watch me nose!
Lukh Rockrunner says: No! I'm nay a club, beastie!
Sasquatch killed
Lukh Rockrunner says: By Magni's beard... I thought I was done for!
Lukh Rockrunner says: Thank ye, stranger. Meet me by the demolition wagon north of here.
Upon completion
Branor Broadbraw says: Maybe this'll teach ye for runnin' off like that!
Lukh Rockrunner says: I was just lookin' for somthin' and that thing grabbed me by the neck!
Branor Broadbraw says: Ye were lookin' for flowers again didn'cha? We know all about it!
Lukh Rockrunner says: Ye know about me dried flower collection?
Branor Broadbraw says: I collect 'em too! What do ye think I do between blowing things up, Aye?
Branor Broadbraw says: Now, who's up for a wee nap?
Lukh Rockrunner says: I thought ye said we were in a hurry?
Branor Broadbraw says: Who's runnin' this operation, aye? We're takin' a break!

During the alpha name, the quest was named Where Is Lukh?

Patch changes

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