Lin Silentstrike

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NeutralLin Silentstrike
Image of Lin Silentstrike
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shado-Pan
Location Winter's Blossom, Kun-Lai Summit; Fire Camp Osul, Townlong Steppes
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Suna (wife)

Lin Silentstrike is a pandaren of the Shado-Pan and the husband of Suna Silentstrike. He plays a major role in defending the Ox Gate and is later captured by the yaungol and killed. His death causes his wife to become overwhelmed with hatred and despair which results in her being possessed by the Sha of Hatred.


Objective of


Post-N [20-35] Honor, Even in Death gossip

It won't bring our brothers and sisters back, but knowing that we are better than the yaungol helps us sleep better at night.

During N [20-35] To the Wall!

Another attack?!

These yaungol will not relent until we push them back into Townlong. Or, even better, into the sea.

?? gossip

Zhiyao dead. Shiya dead. Liu dead.

Suna councils me to calm, but honor demands otherwise.

Taran Zhu sits safe in the monastery while we defend the pass alone? Why shut us out? Why not send reinforcements?

These questions trouble me.


Patch changes

External links