Liberated Forsworn

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NeutralLiberated Forsworn
Image of Liberated Forsworn
Gender Both
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Forsworn
Location Seat of the Primus

The Liberated Forsworn are two non-hostile Forsworn located in the main hall of the Seat of the Primus alongside Alexandros Mograine and other kyrian characters during N [60] Filling an Empty Throne and N [60] The Roads We Walk. One is standing next to Kynthia while the other is seated and seemingly being tended to by Aspirant Thales. Along with Fallen Disciple Nikolon, they represent the Forsworn who were rescued from Helgarde Keep by the player character in N [60] Forsworn and Forgotten.


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