Lauriel Trueblade

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AllianceLauriel Trueblade
Image of Lauriel Trueblade
Title <Alliance Ambassador>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Ambassador
Location Wrath-Logo-Small.png Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight
Cataclysm Ring of the Elements, Twilight Highlands
Status Alive

Lauriel Trueblade is a night elf ambassador of the Alliance, sent to Wyrmrest Temple to help the Wyrmrest Accord and through them, ingratiate the Alliance to the red dragonflight.

She is later sent to the Twilight Highlands to establish relations with the local reds located at Vermillion Redoubt, but found them to be not nearly as accommodating. She thus meets up with the player after they've helped the Earthen Ring with Iso'rath to ask for assistance.


Twilight Highlands



I don't think we can afford to pass an opportunity to ingratiate ourselves with the red flight. With the battles ahead, having them as allies would be invaluable.

Patch changes

See also

External links

Dragonblight Twilight Highlands