Last Resort Analysis

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NeutralLast Resort Analysis
Start Scout Watu
End Scout Watu
Level 62-65
Category Ohn'ahran Plains
Experience 7,500
Reputation +200 Maruuk Centaur
Rewards 26g 21s
Previous N [62-65] Tempests Abound, N [62-65] Counting Sheep & N [62-65] More Than A Rock
Next N [62-65] Show of Storm


Inquire about the Stormtouched Shards in Pinewood Post.


<Watu mumbles to himself, eyes closed and arms crossed.>

Of course I get gored by a stag, of all creatures. Now I'm just another one who needs help. My brother will get all the credit, and no one back home will be surprised.

<Watu looks up.> What? What's that you've got there? Glowing rocks? I'll look at one, but take the rest to somebody else. I'm a hunter, not an archaeologist. <Watu snorts, glaring at his leg.> Maybe this is a sign for me to switch jobs. Go on, you've proven more useful than I.


You will receive:


<A strange look has overcome Watu. He barely registers your presence, infatuated with turning the shard over in his hands.>

You see how it glows, like new lightning?


<Watu stares at shock at his leg, newly bloody and pierced with the shard.>


Speaking with Basaan
Gossip Do you know anything about this shard?
<Basaan takes a shard and knocks it against a piece of iron.>
It's tough. I could sharpen that and put it on the end of a spear.
<He hands the shard back and wipes his hands roughly on his leather apron.>
I don't like touching it. Doesn't give me a good feeling at all.
Speaking with Nakeena
Gossip Do you know anything about this shard?
Haven't seen anything like that from my travels, nor from my travelers. It's certainly not from these plains.
Speaking with Sondo
Gossip Do you know anything about this shard?
Sorry. My specialty is foodstuffs.
Though you say this grew in an animal? That's unnatural. I'd burn it and bury it.

After speaking with all three, Watu stands up.

Scout Watu yells: Uuergh!


  1. N [62-65] Trouble In The Pines (breadcrumb)
  2. N [62-65] Tempests Abound, N [62-65] Counting Sheep & N [62-65] More Than A Rock
  3. N [62-65] Last Resort Analysis
  4. N [62-65] Show of Storm
  5. N [62-65] Storm Chasing

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