Lanthan Perilon

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HordeLanthan Perilon
Image of Lanthan Perilon
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City
Location Sunstrider Isle, Eversong Woods[35, 22]
Status Alive

Lanthan Perilon is a blood elf quest giver located on Sunstrider Isle in Eversong Woods.


  • Spell fire flamebolt.png Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.




If you have not spoken to Magistrix Erona at the Sunspire, I recommend you do so immediately. There are pressing matters to attend to, and she - as do we all - need your help!

Bc icon.gif The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

Your continued service to the Blood Elves is paramount to our survival! We must all pitch in and pull ourselves out of the mire we all find ourselves in.

If you've ready to work, then let's get started.

After quests

<Name>, it is good to see you again.

Remember to stay focused on your learning. You represent our future, and should you falter our future will be dark indeed.

Patch changes

See also

External links

es:Lanthan Perilon