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Main article: Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein
No image available
Gender Female
Race Proto-dragon (Dragon)
Level 10-70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Ruby Life Pools
Status Killable

Kyrakka is a proto-dragon located in Ruby Life Pools.


  • Spell fire firebolt.png Flamespit — Kyrakka spits a gout of fire, inflicting 46895 Fire damage to targeted players, applying Infernocore to effected players.
  • Spell fire felflamering red.png Flaming Embers — Chars the ground with fire for 45 sec, inflicting 23434 Fire damage every 1 sec. applying Infernocore upon contact.
  • Ability mage livingbomb.png Infernocore — Kyrakka's Roaring Firebreath and Flamespit ignite targets, inflicting 2813 Fire damage every half-second for 4 sec. This effect stacks. Upon removal these flames explode inflicting 30482 Fire damage to players within 5 yards, creating a pool of Flaming Embers nearby for each stack.
  • Ability warlock inferno.png Roaring Firebreath — Kyrakka forges flames in a frontal direction, tempering targets for 23448 Fire damage every second for 6 sec, applying Infernocore to affected players.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 10.1.0.


  • Your false queen cannot stop us. We are the truth.
  • Erkhart, deal with these aberrations.
  • Scorched earth.
  • It was worthless to try.
  • Burn.
  • Singe.
  • Let us destroy these insects.
  • No! Ours... is the... true... path...

Patch changes

External links