Colonel Kurzen

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Not to be confused with Captain Conrad.
MobConrad Kurzen
Image of Conrad Kurzen
Title Colonel
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 40 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kurzen's Expedition
Former affiliation(s) Kingdom of Stormwind
Occupation Colonel
Location Kurzen's Compound, Stranglethorn Vale
Status Deceased

Colonel Conrad Kurzen[1] is a level 40 elite human found in the Stockpile in Kurzen's Compound in Stranglethorn Vale.


Originally a talented and noble[2] soldier from Stormwind, he led an expedition from Stormwind to Stranglethorn Vale. Unfortunately, sometime during the expedition, he fell victim to foul magic; his mind becoming possessed by Mai'Zoth, a powerful ogre mage of local Mosh'ogg ogre clan, seeking to use Kurzen and his men for their own deeds.

Although the majority of Kurzen's men still follow their leader, a small group of his men, troubled by this sudden change in Kurzen, rebelled and established their own group at the Rebel Camp. Unlike Kurzen's force, the rebels loyalties still lie with Stormwind. Lieutenant Doren, leader of the rebels wants Kurzen's head to bring an end to his madness.

At some point, Kurzen tried to make advances to Emerine Junis, who denied them. For this, he threw her in prison.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

It seems Kurzen met a foul end, as the  [Kurzen Compound Prison Records] say Colonel Conrad Kurzen was flung from a tower for the crime of weakness. He was replaced with an interim leader, Chief Esquivel.


  • Ability rogue garrote.png Garrote — Garrote the enemy, causing damage over time. Requires stealth.
  • Spell nature invisibilty.png Smoke Bomb — Casts a smoke bomb, stunning nearby enemies for 3 sec. and putting the caster into stealth mode.
  • Ability stealth.png Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode for 30 sec.

Objective of


  • Colonel Kurzen is a reference to Colonel Kurtz from the 1979 film Apocalypse Now. Kurzen, who has gone "insane" and has an army to fight for him from a small, hidden compound, parallels the character of Kurtz, and the two Colonels' backstories are very similar. Kurzen's first name, Conrad, is a reference to Joseph Conrad, author of the 1899 novella Heart of Darkness upon which Apocalypse Now is based.
    • Captain Conrad is another reference to Joseph Conrad and Apocalypse Now.
  • Kurzen uses a rare human model only shared with Menethil Elites in the Wetlands.

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): No longer elite.
  • Test-inline.png Patch 0.12 (2004-10-11): Colonel Kurzen won't engage you in melee combat at a distance after using a smoke bomb.


External links

es:Coronel Kurzen