Krugmok Wolfscream

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MobKrugmok Wolfscream
Image of Krugmok Wolfscream
Title <Envoy of the Iron Horde>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iron Horde
Occupation Ambassador
Location Bloodmaul Stronghold, Frostfire Ridge[41.0, 20.1]
Status Deceased

Krugmok Wolfscream was the Iron Horde's envoy to the Bloodmaul clan. His corpse can be found by the Envoy's Satchel, southeast of the lava pools at Bloodmaul Stronghold. The satchel contains the  [Envoy's Log].


His log details how he, as an envoy of the Iron Horde, came to the Bloodmaul Stronghold on Garrosh's orders. His mission was to hire the Bloodmaul to excavate the  [Soulgrinder]. Borgal Doomfist finally agreed after a great deal of negotiating, demanding that Wolfscream purchase several slaves and pay him an exorbitant price. Once the Soulgrinder was found, however, Borgal refused to turn it over and slew Wolfscream and his Iron Guards.[1]

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