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Image of Korkush
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Male
Race Tortollan (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tortollan Seekers
Occupation Innkeeper
Location Gloom Hollow, Nazmir
Status Alive

Korkush is a tortollan located at Gloom Hollow in Nazmir.


Inv misc food 112 frostcaps.png [Bilberry Preserves]
2g 50s
Inv misc food meat cooked 06.png [Broiled Crocolisk]
2g 50s
Inv drink 14.png [Canteen of Rivermarsh Rainwater]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 48.png [Charcoaled Elderhorn]
2g 50s
Inv icon wing08e.png [Crunchy Direbat Skewer]
2g 50s
Inv drink 18.png [Filtered Gloomwater]
2g 50s
Inv misc food vendor greencabbage.png [Glowfly Wedge Salad]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 159 fish 82.png [Hearty Swamp Gumbo]
2g 50s
Inv drink 07.png [Highmountain Runoff]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 06.png [Pungent and Moldy Gamalost]
2g 50s
Inv misc food meat toughwolfflank.png [Salted Frog Legs]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 76.png [Seared Simmerfin]
2g 50s
Ability mage conjurefoodrank10.png [Stale Thundertotem Rice Cake]
2g 50s


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