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Image of Khak'ik
Title <Stronghold Scout>
Gender Male
Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 78-80 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Occupation Scout
Location Silken Path, Azj-Kahet
Status Killable
Relative(s) Rhak'ik (sibling)

Khak'ik is a nerubian that patrols the Silken Path in Azj-Kahet alongside Rhak'ik.


  • Inv misc questionmark.png Takt'ik Slash — The caster slashes their current target with a web coated blade, inflicting Physical damage and takt'ik-ally slowing them down.

Objective of


  • Footguards of the Nerubian Twins
  • Sabatons of the Nerubian Twins
  • Slippers of the Nerubian Twins
  • Treads of the Nerubian Twins

Patch changes

External links