Keys of Loyalty

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NeutralKeys of Loyalty
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Weekly Elite World Quest
Category The Waking Shores
Reputation +1000 Sabellian or Wrathion
+100 Valdrakken Accord
Previous N [70EWQ] Allegiance to One

Keys of Loyalty is the second in a series of two weekly elite world quests at the Obsidian Citadel. After selecting one of Sabellian or Wrathion to ally with for the week, that character will then start this world quest.


Collect 1 Greater Obsidian Key.


Wrathion says: ...
Sabellian says: I do not ask for a key, <name>... but I accept your support in any way possible.


You will receive:


Gather 30  [Key Fragments] and 3  [Key Framing], then click on them to combine them into a  [Greater Obsidian Key]. Before grinding out the elites in the area, pick up all the other quests first - many of them also depend on killing mobs!

Patch changes

External links

Sabellian Wrathion