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Image of Kagon
Title <Caretaker>
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-73
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen
Location Isle of Dorn[56.07, 33.76]
Status Alive

Kagon is an earthen located on the Isle of Dorn.



You see that monument? I mean the large one over there.

That one is for a good friend of mine, Duggen. He is within the Stonevault. Went there for a recharge. And then the Awakening Machine broke down--completely stopped.

He is still in there. But we know that even though his frame is within the Vault, Duggen will not walk amongst us again. And so we have dedicated a monument to him.

It has been so long ago, I cannot even remember his face. Or his voice.

Patch changes

External links