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Joseph Brayvemarc

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NeutralJoseph Brayvemarc
Image of Joseph Brayvemarc
Title <Expeditionary Advisor>
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Mereldar, Hallowfall
Status Alive

Joseph Brayvemarc is an Arathi located in Mereldar in Hallowfall.



Hail, outsider. You don't seem the sort to settle down. For our citizens who do wish to stake a claim, the Arathi Army offers our advice and support.

Arathi settlers cultivate the land and reap Beledar's bounty from its soil. But the rewards of homesteading come hand in hand With great danger. We prepare our people with equipment, training, and information before they head out to start a farm.

Wars, even those against nerubians and Shadows, can't be won Without supplies.

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