Jaedenar Warrior

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MobJaedenar Warrior

Jaedenar Warrior.jpg

Jaedenar Warrior human.jpg

Gender Both
Race(s) Mag'har orc, Human (Humanoid)
Level 50-80
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance
Location Jaedenar & Shadow Hold, Felwood
Status Killable

Jaedenar Warriors are Mag'har orcs and Kul Tiran humans located in Jaedenar and Shadow Hold in Felwood during the Night elf heritage armor questline.


  • Ability creature felfrenzy.png Fel Zealotry — The caster burns their own soul, increasing their attack speed by 50% attack speed and granting immunity to fear effects, but inflicting 3 Fire Damage every 1.

Objective of


  • Aggro
    • His gift will be yours!
    • The Lord will prevail!
  • Death
    • ...master... why...?
    • ...not... possible...
    • ...too... late...

Patch changes

External links