Izira Gearsworn

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NeutralIzira Gearsworn
Image of Izira Gearsworn
Title <Battle Captain>
Gender Female
Race Mechagon mechagnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rustbolt Resistance
Occupation Captain
Location Rustbolt, Mechagon Island; Operation: Mechagon
Status Alive

Izira Gearsworn is a Mechagon mechagnome located in Rustbolt on Mechagon Island. She is also encountered in Operation: Mechagon.

She is one of the few survivors in an alternate future where King Mechagon succeeds in activating the Mechoriginator.


  • Ability stealth.png Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled.


These are only available in the alternate timeline of Mechagon.



I would give my life to save Rustbolt.

  • Izira Gearsworn says: Prince Erazmin and the outsiders are working on a plan that will secure our future.
  • Izira Gearsworn says: When the time comes, each of us will perform beyond our designed limits!
  • Izira Gearsworn says: Rustbolt will not fall again on our watch!
  • Izira Gearsworn says: We are the equal of any of Mechagon's troops, but our spirit and desire are superior!
  • Izira Gearsworn says: If we should fall, we will be rebuilt and returned to battle, learned and ready to triumph!
  • Izira Gearsworn says: We will be ready for anything Mechagon sends against us!
Alternate timeline

They are all gone. King Mechagon won, he activated the Mechoriginator.

Everyone is gone.

Gossip What happened here?
A hologram of King Mechagon appeared in the middle of Rustbolt declaring victory. Then he activated the Mechoriginator.
There was a large blast...fire and panic everywhere!
Most of us were O.K., but those without mechanization were not so lucky.
Gossip Did it reverse the curse of flesh?
I believe his research was corrupted, his device flawed. It didn't reverse the curse of flesh as Mechagon planned.
It ignited the skies and burned the flesh off most every living thing. Those of us mechanized enough survived.
Gossip Where's Prince Erazmin?
Clockwork giants and spiders began attacking Rustbolt soon after the blast. We fought the bots till our gears gave out.
My legs broke and I was unable to protect Prince Erazmin. He was taken prisoner.
I think King Mechagon wanted him alive.


Patch changes

See also

External links

Izira Gearsworn Rustbolt Defender