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Injured Soldier (Hallowfall)

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NeutralInjured Soldier
Image of Injured Soldier
Gender Both
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Location Mereldar, Hallowfall
Status Alive

Injured Soldiers are Arathi located in the Arathi Infirmary in Mereldar in Hallowfall. Kaeleb Flamegard is tending to their wounds.

Criteria of


  • I... actually don't mind it here really. Kaeleb is pretty nice, and I don't hate not being in constant peril.
  • I thought there was nothing worse than waiting around for the next Nerubian attack.
But not knowing if there is already another Nerubian attack and I'm not here to help is much, much worse.
  • I managed to wiggle my toes earlier!
  • Are you the outlander I have heard so much about? I heard you defeated a Nerubian invasion all on your own!
  • Do you think you could smuggle me a pie from the inn? I love their pies.
Going to be the first thing I do when I get out, eat so many pies I pass out!
  • I took a nerubian spine to my knee.
  • Kaeleb says I'm not allowed to lift weights while in bed. How am I supposed to keep my strength up?
  • Do you have any word from the front? How is it going?

Patch changes

External links