Improved Shield Bash

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Improved Shield Bash
Ability warrior shieldbash.png
Class Warrior
Other information
Affects [Shield Bash]
Related debuff
  • Magic
  • Shield Bash - Silenced
  • Silenced.
  • Duration: 3 seconds

Improved Shield Bash is very useful for both PvP and PvE encounters where spellcasters are involved. Additionally, it is an effective pull-skill and a threat generator.


Improved Shield Bash adds a chance to silence the target after a successful Shield Bash.


Improved [Shield Bash]'s usefullness at first glance is to prevent spellcasters from casting for a short while, thus reducing damage or preventing harmful effects to you and your party. The same applies for PvP encounters, for example preventing a mage from Blinking after a [Frost Nova]. At the same time, it is the best way for a protection warrior to pull a spellcaster back to the main party, since by silencing a spellcaster you force him to switch to melee mode.

Additionally, Improved Shield Bash is one of the most effective threat generators for a protection warrior. The threat caused superceeds that of [Sunder Armor], for example, while the rage cost is even lower than [Improved Sunder Armor]. The only thing that prevents the spamming of Shield Bash on spellcasters and non-spellcasters alike, is its 12 second cooldown.

Shield Bash is a nice combo with [Bloodrage], since the 10 rage generated is just enough to make a great opener in threat generation.

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