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Image of Humon'gozz
Race Fungret (Humanoid)
Level 62 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ardenweald[32.44, 30.29]
Status Killable

Humon'gozz is a rare elite fungret that can be spawned in a grove in northwestern Ardenweald,[32.45, 30.27] between the Stalks and the Gossamer Cliffs. In order to spawn them, players must first loot an  [Unusually Large Mushroom] from any mob in Ardenweald, Mists of Tirna Scithe, or De Other Side, and then plant it in the pile of Damp Loam before the item's 20-minute duration runs out. This will spawn a Rapidly Growing Mushroom which then transforms into Humon'gozz after 60 seconds.


Humon'gozz is relatively small upon initially spawning but continues growing larger over 60 seconds before reaching their full size. This has no effect on their health or abilities.

Ability druid focusedgrowth.png Rapid Growth — This mushroom is growing. Fast. Lasts 60 seconds.


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