Hugo Lentner

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AllianceHugo Lentner
Image of Hugo Lentner
Title <Engineering Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Craftsmen's Terrace, Darnassus
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Tana Lentner

Hugo Lentner is a worgen engineering supplies vendor located in the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus. He's most likely related to fellow engineering trainer Tana Lentner.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the Burning of Teldrassil, he was caught in the chaos and could be saved.


Inv misc wrench 01.png [Arclight Spanner]
Inv gizmo pipe 02.png (2) [Bent Copper Tube]
4s 32c
Inv hammer 20.png [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv gizmo bronzeframework 01.png (1) [Bronze Framework]
Inv gizmo pipe 01.png (2) [Bronze Tube]
7s 60c
Inv misc dust 02.png (4) [Coarse Blasting Powder]
Inv misc powder purple.png [Durable Flux]
28s 50c
Inv potion 65.png [Engineer's Ink]
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Flashing Cogwheel]
1 Volatile Seaforium Blastpack
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Fractured Cogwheel]
1 Goblin Barbecue
Inv misc pocketwatch 02.png (1) [Gyrochronatom]
Inv misc enggizmos 25.png [Hair Trigger]
85s 50c
Inv mace 11.png [Heavy Stock]
Inv inscription papyrus.png 5x [Light Parchment]
Ability vehicle oiljets.png [Machinist's Oil]
8g 55s
Inv pick 02.png [Mining Pick]
1s 17c
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Mystic Cogwheel]
1 Mark of Honor
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Precise Cogwheel]
1 Lure Master Tackle Box
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Quick Cogwheel]
4 Handful of Obsidium Bolts
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Rigid Cogwheel]
1 Elementium Toolbox
Inv misc dust 01.png (4) [Rough Blasting Powder]
Inv ingot 04.png (3) [Silver Contact]
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Smooth Cogwheel]
4 Handful of Obsidium Bolts
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Sparkling Cogwheel]
1 Authentic Jr. Engineer Goggles
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01.png [Strong Flux]
Inv misc enggizmos 30.png [Subtle Cogwheel]
3 Electrified Ether
Inv misc enggizmos 17.png [Tinker's Kit]
1g 90s
Inv mace 11.png [Walnut Stock]
4g 75s
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02.png [Weak Flux]
Inv mace 11.png [Wooden Stock]
1s 90c



If you REPLACE tab A into slot B then of course it's going to go BOOM! Here, let me show you what I have and then you can ask Lilliam about how to put it together so it doesn't blow up.

Buy I want to browse your goods.

Patch changes

External links