Hillsbrad Refugee

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AllianceHillsbrad Refugee
Image of Hillsbrad Refugee
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Lordaeron
Location Silverpine Forest

Hillsbrad Refugees are former residents of Southshore and Hillsbrad Fields that fled to Fenris Isle after the Forsaken attacked their towns.[1] Agatha and Horde adventurers, on the orders of Sylvanas Windrunner, pursued them there and raised some of them into undeath.[2] Realizing that the Forsaken would never stop hunting them until they become servants to the undead whether in life or death, they and their leaders decided to take the offer of blood by Darius Crowley. Thus they became the Hillsbrad Worgen, to have the power to have their vengeance and attempt to retake Lordaeron for the Alliance, and so that the val'kyr would not be able to raise them as Forsaken after their death.[3] Crowley and Ivar Bloodfang continued to make the blood offering to every human in Lordaeron, including at least several hundred other survivors, to substantially bolster their numbers.[4]


  • Spell misc hellifrepvphonorholdfavor.png Might of Lordaeron — Call upon the might of Lordaeron. Decreases the time between melee attacks by 10%. Increases damage by 10%.

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