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High Channeler Ryvati

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MobHigh Channeler Ryvati
No image available
Gender Female
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 62-71 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Ruby Overlook, Ruby Life Pools
Status Killable

High Channeler Ryvati is a tauren located in Ruby Overlook in Ruby Life Pools.


  • Spell shaman thunderstorm.png Lightning Storm — Conjures a localized thundercloud, inflicting 27465 Nature damage every half-second for 5 sec.
  • Spell nature stormreach.png Shock Blast — Blasts their target with storm energy, inflicting 60424 Nature damage plus an additional 16479 Nature damage every 1 sec for 8 sec.
  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Summon Primal Thundercloud — Summons a Primal Thundercloud to aid the caster in combat.
  • Inv 10 worlddroplevelingoptionalreagent misc orb air.png Tempest Stormshield — Conjures a barrier out of storm magic, absorbing 42987 damage plus consuming any remaining Tempest Barrier nearby to increase this amount. Upon expiration, any remaining damage in the absorb shield detonates, inflicting Nature damage plus additional Nature damage over time to enemies within 50 yards.

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