Haethen Kaul

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MobHaethen Kaul
Image of Haethen Kaul
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location Twilight Terrace, Deepholm
Status Killable Cata-Logo-Small.png

Haethen Kaul is the leader of the Twilight's Hammer's operations at the Twilight Terrace in Deepholm.

Objective of


Stub.png Note that the damage underneath is with the protection on

  • Inv elemental primal air.png Airbolt — Inflicts Nature damage (166 - 193) to an enemy. (instant)
  • Spell shadow curseofsargeras.png Curse of Agony — Curses an enemy with agony, inflicting Shadow damage (525) every 3 sec. over 15 sec.
  • Inv ammo bullet 02.png Earthbolt — Inflicts Physical damage (1487 - 2012) to an enemy. 1.76 sec cast
  • Spell fire firebolt.png Firebolt — Inflicts Fire damage (166 to 193) to an enemy. (instant)
  • Spell nature slow.png Slow — Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 25%, casting time increased by 25% and slows its movement by 25% for 6 sec.
  • Spell fire blueflamebolt.png Waterbolt — Inflicts Physical damage (166 to 193) to an enemy. (instant)


Kaul can be found on the floating rock between the Twilight Terrace proper and the Temple of Earth.

  • Melee — ~2800 on cloth.

Do not attempt him before killing the three bound elementals and gaining immunity to the fire, water and air spells. He will start off with a round from those three schools, then resort to spell-casting physical damage.


  • Come fools. Come to your doom. The end of days is here!
  • Decrypt the final instructions. We activate the Waygate within the hour!
  • We have labored long and hard for our lord Deathwing. Let us give our all in his name that we will bask in his flames at the end of days!
  • Lord Deathwing's sundering of the Well of Eternity has brought down Uldum's defenses. Prepare yourselves. We will march through the Waygate soon!
  • Unimaginable power courses through me to the Waygate! Muahahahahahaha!
  • The titan Waygate is almost opened. We will assist the Tol'vir to reconfigure Uldum and bring about the end of all life on Azeroth!
  • It is true that we serve Deathwing, but we also serve a higher power. Never forget that!
  • There is an intruder amongst us. Destroy them! Nothing must interfere with Lord Deathwing's plan!
You will be destroyed!
Fire immune
My firebolt is useless! No matter you smug little insect. I will still destroy you!
Air immune
What?! You're immune to my air magic?
Water immune
You're immune to my water spell! How can this be?

Patch changes

External links