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Hadwin with tabard.jpg

Hadwin without tabard.jpg
Title <Tyr's Guard>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tyr's Guard
Former affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand, Order of Embers, Admiralty of Kul Tiras, Alliance
Occupation Exemplar of the Tyr's Guard
Former occupation(s) Inquisitor
Location Brackenhide Hollow, Azure Span; Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Hadwin is a Kul Tiran human paladin located in Brackenhide Hollow in the Azure Span and in Thaldraszus.


Objective of



Huh. With all the tall tales Travard tells about you, I thought you'd be taller.

Gossip How did you become a member of Tyr's Guard?

I'm not sure myself. Fell into it, I guess. Like I always do.
My dad wanted me to join the navy, and my mum hoped I'd be a tidepriest. But I'm cracking good at swinging a blunt object, if I do say so myself, and got on with the Order of Embers when Lady Waycrest asked for volunteers to fight witches in Drustvar.
But strange as it seems, I started to feel a connection to the Light working as an Inquisitor. I can't explain it. I worship the Tidemother! It caused me to seek out the Silver Hand and train as a paladin. But even then I wasn't satisfied. I came to the Dragon Isles to forge my own path and follow my own code, righting wrongs wherever I found them.
Travard and Koranos found me, and the rest is history.
Gossip I have another question.

Gossip Why are you the Exemplar of Justice?

What? You mean you can't tell? I'm insulted, I am.
I'm joking, of course. If only we could tell who was just by looking at 'em...
Right and wrong has always been important to me even when I was just a lad. My mum ran a shop in Bridgeport growing up. When dad went off to sea, local ruffians started stealing from her and harassing her. She tried to stop it, but the law men in the town did nothing.
I went hungry a lot growing up because of that injustice, but what was worse was how it affected my mum. I resolved then to stamp out injustice wherever I found it. And that's what I've been doing. Travard just put a name on it.
Gossip I have another question.





Patch changes

See also

  • Shade of Hadwin

External links