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Gulping Goliath

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BossGulping Goliath
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Gender Male
Race Hornswog (Dragonkin)
Level 70-72 Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Halls of Infusion
Status Killable

Gulping Goliath is a boss in Halls of Infusion.

Adventure Guide

Deep within the caverns of the Halls of Infusion lurks the Gulping Goliath. Sire to countless generations of hornswogs, the Goliath and his brood have thrived upon the unprocessed waters of the wellspring. Driven by an insatiable hunger, he will eagerly devour any creature that strays too close to his lair.


The Gulping Goliath uses its size and Overpowering Croak to subdue its foes. Loose stones above cause Cave Ins, dropping Curious Swoglets into the arena. Gulp, as well as Curious Swoglets' melee attacks, will apply the incredibly lethal Gulp Swog Toxin.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • If the Gulping Goliath does not strike a player with Gulp, it will become Hangry.
  • Each time a Curious Swoglet successfully melee attacks a target, it applies a very lethal Gulp Swog Toxin.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Each time a Curious Swoglet successfully melee attacks a target, it applies a very lethal Gulp Swog Toxin.
  • Toxic Effluvia will inflict significant Nature damage to your party.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • If the Gulping Goliath does not strike a player with Gulp, it will become Hangry.
  • Each time a Curious Swoglet successfully melee attacks a target, it applies a very lethal Gulp Swog Toxin.


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Ability druid ferociousbite.png Gulp — The Goliath attempts to gulp down players and creatures within 10 yards for 2 Sec, inflicting 17798-73524 Nature damage every 2 sec for its duration. While inside the Goliath's gullet, the target also gains 3 stacks of Gulp Swog Toxin. If the Goliath does not find a player to gulp, he will become Hangry.

  • Rogue leeching poison.png Gulp Swog Toxin — Deadly toxin inflicts 1780-7352 Nature damage every 3 sec for 18 Sec. Instantly kills upon reaching 20 applications.
  • Spell misc emotionangry.png Hangry Mythic Difficulty — The Gulping Goliath becomes very mad when hungry, increasing Physical damage done by 50% for 1 Min. This effect stacks.

Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Overpowering Croak — The Gulping Goliath unleashes a massive croak, inflicting 14239-58819 Physical damage to all players every 1 sec for 2 Sec. The croak shakes the caverns, causing rocky debris and Curious Swoglets to rain from above.

  • Ability golemstormbolt.png Cave In — Falling rocks inflict 26697-110286 Physical damage to players within 6 yards of each impact and sends 2 Curious Swoglets crashing down from above.
    • Curious Swoglet
      • Rogue leeching poison.png Gulp Swog Toxin — Deadly toxin inflicts 1780-7352 Nature damage every 3 sec for 18 Sec. Instantly kills upon reaching 20 applications.

Spell nature skinofearth.png Belly Slam — The Gulping Goliath leaps up and crashes down upon a target location, inflicting 62294-257335 Physical damage to all players within 12 yards upon landing. Ability creature poison 02.png Toxic Effluvia — The Gulping Goliath inflicts 10679-44115 Nature damage to all players every 2 sec for 4 Sec.

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