Grozztok the Blackheart

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MobGrozztok the Blackheart
Image of Grozztok the Blackheart
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) General Jakra'zet
Occupation Assassin
Location Atul'Aman, Vol'dun[49.2, 64.8]
Status Killable

Grozztok the Blackheart is a Zandalari troll hired by General Jakra'zet to kill Zandalari exiles in Vol'dun. He led the attack on the exile caravan that included Jorak and Warguard Rakera. Grozztok is encountered alongside Jakra'zet at Atul'Aman, discussing how to break the magical seal on the pyramid until they're discovered by an adventurer, at which point the general orders Grozztok to kill the intruder.


  • Inv sword 1h cataclysm c 01.png Darkheart Blade — Inflicts 150 Shadow damage to an enemy.
  • Inv heart of the thunder king icon.png Withering Heart — Withers the target's heart, inflicting Shadow damage Additionally, the target's stats are reduced by 10% and Shadow damage is inflicted every 1 sec for 10 sec.

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Main article: Grozztok the Blackheart (quest)#Notes

Patch changes

External links