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Image of Grimmy
Gender Male
Race Skeletal gnome (Undead)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Arathi Highlands[85.29, 73.61]
Status Active

Grimmy is a gnome skeleton located at the unnamed dwarven farm of the Arathi Highlands. He has a list of friends, a list of his enemies, and his Favorite Recipe. Indulge him his favorite smell, and he'll share his life's work with you.


  • Oh my, visitors! And I haven't a thing to wear.
  • I would treat you to a smile and a toast, but alas, I have neither skin nor ale.
  • Don't hesitate to make yourselves at home.

After completing all of the It's a Waist of Time puzzle up to this point, Grimmy will have new gossip options available:

Acquire and equip the  [Netherweave Tunic],  [Frostwoven Leggings],  [Deathsilk Shoulders],  [Windwool Hood] (as suggested by reading Grimmy's List of Friends), then speak with him:

Hello! I don't get many visitors out here, you'll have to excuse the mess.

Gossip It's me, your friend. Got any secrets to tell me about?

I have no idea what you're talking about!

Grimmy's List of Enemies is now interactive. Go emote at four NPCs while possessing some specific poor-quality items, then return. Make sure to re-equip the cloth armor:

Gossip I've sent some messages to your enemies, now about those secrets...

Oh, that is excellent. But still, I... er... hm.

Grimmy's Favorite Recipe is now interactive. Go find the Rotten Potato and click on it until getting 144 stacks of the debuff:

Gossip How do I smell?

Oh, my, just like my mother used to after she made her famous pie.
Very well, I will show you... My life's work!
It's in the chest out back, and it's all yours!
I hope it was worth it!

Patch changes

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