Grandpa Vishas

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MobGrandpa Vishas
Image of Grandpa Vishas
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 34 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Alterac Mountains
Status Unknown (presumed deceased)
Relative(s) James (son), Nancy (daughter-in-law)

Grandpa Vishas is a human found with Nancy Vishas in a house on the shore of Lordamere Lake in the Alterac Mountains.

He has not been seen since the Cataclysm, having likely been slain by adventurers in lore, and the house where he lived in is now empty.


Nancy Vishas says: Sidney is late. I thought he would be home by now.
Grandpa Vishas says: He's your husband, woman. How am I to know where he is?
Nancy Vishas says: He must be overwhelmed with work at the Monastery. But still, he should have returned by now.
Grandpa Vishas says: Cleansing the world of impure scum isn't an easy job, Nancy. Someone's got to do it.
Nancy Vishas says: Well, I'm going outside to check. Something is amiss.

Nancy would walk outside and stand on the boat bridge and gaze out from the misty shores of the Lordamere Lake.

Patch changes

External links

es:Abuelo Vishas