Gorvold Ironbrow

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NeutralGorvold Ironbrow
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Title the Looter,[1] Winterskorn Captain
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Winterskorn clan
Occupation Warrior, Captain
Location Shield Hill; Howling Fjord
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Descendents

Gorvold Ironbrow was a great vrykul warrior. He was buried on Shield Hill in the Howling Fjord.


Saga of the Shield seeker

He was one of the few willing to brave the dangers of lost pasts. His many victories were fueled by his cunning and collection of powerful artifacts from the older ages. Braving the forbidden areas of Storm Peaks, he learned of a powerful shield, wielded by a champion of Tyr. The shield became his obsession as he scoured the content in search of it. After venturing to forgotten battlefields in the north, Gorvold learned that the champion went south with Tyr, fleeing the crumbling empire of the titans behind. Gorvold built a mighty ship and began his journey south as well. Gorvold braves sea beast and storm alike, following the harrowing trail south. With guile, he tracked the barest scraps of a trail across a continent to find a long-forgotten battle. He found stunted vrykul, the castoffs of Ymiron's edict, both worshiping and avoiding the site of a fallen titan keeper and his great foe. From ruins Gorvold discovered the trail did not end here. After the great battle, Tyr's champion moved on. So too did Gorvold.

No one knows where Gorvold went or what he found, only that he returned empty-handed, forever maddened by his failure. His only words were of how he failed the test of Yrgrim. Gorvold threw himself into battle with near berserk rage. His cunning was replaced with reckless abandon and ultimately fell in battle, taking his secrets with him to the grave. [2]

The End of the Saga

His spirit is contacted by a group of priest and paladin in order to locate  [Truthguard].[1] Tahu Sagewind ultimately lays his spirit to rest at last, wiping away the pain of disgrace from him after he has answered the questions of Orik Trueheart.

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