Gnome Citizen

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AllianceGnome Citizen
Image of Gnome Citizen
Gender Both
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan Exiles
Location Tinker Town, Ironforge
The subject of this article or section was part of Operation: Gnomeregan, a world event that heralded the recovery of the surface of Gnomeregan before Cataclysm.
Leaning new recruits to Steelgrill's Depot.

Gnome Citizens were involved in the following quest of the Operation: Gnomeregan quest chain:


During the quest A [80] A Few Good Gnomes, the player uses the  [Motivate-a-Tron] to convince them to join the army taking back Gnomeregan.

Using the Motivate-a-Tron on a Gnome Citizen results in that citizen becoming motivated (renamed, or replaced with "Motivated Citizen") and following you for up to 15 minutes. If you mount up, they mount up (on Mechanostriders) and will keep up with you, regardless of if you are using an epic or a regular land mount.


  • Motivated citizens uses models of a few other gnome npcs, like some uses Ozzie Togglevolts model.

Patch changes

External links

Female Male